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E-management Promotion and Operation Efficiency Upgrade of the River Watch Team Nationwide

The main focus of this plan was analyzing performance of river conservation patrol teams in different counties and cities. It reviewed and revised the previous managements and processes, which provide valuable information for the EPA when executing other plans to manage river conservation patrol teams. This plan also asked all village heads to join the force of river conservation patrol teams and improve its management and performance from 6 different forces. To increase the performance of river conservation patrol teams and to increase the information flow between citizens, this plan also built a system that integrated with the “EcoLife website" , using electronic system to manage river conservation patrol teams and data management. “ River Conservation" website was built this year, provide functions for public to “ adopt" areas to clean, to “ report" spots or polluters, to “ record" the status of environment, to “ organize" activities, it also provide information about businesses under controls and water quality for different rivers. All data from Environmental Water Quality Monitoring and Information System was also integrated into “ River Conservation" website for public to search for information. Training sessions for the using “ River Conservation" system and passing ideas from the EPA were hold in different counties and cities, while showing them how electronic system safes their time and resources. Feedbacks from different river conservation patrol teams were also collected after each session.
river watch;EcoLife;electronical management